Finally: Lemon Yellow Dress

I have attended my friends' beautiful wedding reception as I have mentioned here. It felt so nice to be with people I have not seen for a while, life updates, danced a little, and chatted a little. The bride was full of joy that she was teary eyed all the time. Their love has been ripened by time and family and friends were very happy for both of them.

And so, here is my first successful dress project I wore on their reception.

Lemon Yellow Dress

I want more of these! Can't wait to do more.

The Venue. Metropolitan Palace Hotel Dubai

Metropolitan Palace Hotel Dubai


  1. You made that dress yourself? Looks stunning!

  2. Hello Mitzie, thank you for stopping by! Yes, I am learning how to make dresses so that's one handmade dress I am happy to say, "I made it"... you know the feeling. Thank you for following on bloglovin! I have checked your blog also and I am very happy to meet fellow UAE-based bloggers.
